We were lucky enough to see an unusual horizontal rainbow over Winter, a special sight!
Spring 2024
…providing a safe, happy and peaceful environment where people and families can connect with nature and each other…
Welcome Spring time!
Adam Stan Photography 2024
Around the Park…
We’ve experienced some highs and lows of Springtime in and around the Park over the last month. Some wild weather, severe winds, whale sightings and huge surf along the Ocean Grove and surrounding coastlines.
Adam Stan has once again captured some extraordinary sights and we hope you enjoy some of his incredible photography throughout this newsletter.
We have been busy preparing the Park for the Spring growth and September holidays and we’re all really looking forward to seeing many of your down in the Park soon!
Sei Whale- Current Beach Access Warnings
Unfortunately, a deceased Sei whale is currently located off the Barwon Heads Bluff. As a result of increased shark activity in the surrounding waters of Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads/ 13th Beach, swimmers and surfers are advised to avoid the water. There have been a number of large shark sightings. There is currently no advice on the duration of this recommendation. However Barwon Coast/DEECA Barwon South West released this statement on September 25th.
“For now, factoring in weather, logistics and public safety, the carcass will be left to decompose naturally. Decomposing is likely to take some months.”
The latest Vic Emergency warning states-
Dangerous Animal- avoid the area.
Current warning signs at Ocean Grove, Barwon Heads and 13th Beach.
We have included some information on Sei Whales below:
“The Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis, is a baleen whale. It is one of ten rorqual species, and the third-largest member after the blue and fin whales. It can grow to 19.5 m (64 ft) in length and weigh as much as 28 t (28 long tons; 31 short tons). It is among the fastest of all cetaceans, and can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h (31 mph) over short distances.
It inhabits most oceans and adjoining seas, and prefers deep offshore waters. It avoids polar and tropical waters and semi-enclosed bodies of water. The sei whale migrates annually from cool, subpolar waters in summer to temperate, subtropical waters in winter with a lifespan of 70 years.”
Adam Stan Photography, 2024.
Care for Your Site
Adam Stan Photography, 2024, Pilot Boat
Severe winds caused some tree and vegetation damage around the Park. In most cases guests impacted should have been notified however, guests may notices some changes due to these losses. We have been working to clear these areas and re plant for the future. If you have any concerns, please chat to us.
Trimming will take place immediately after the September school holidays. We ask guests to ensure all fairy lights, clothes lines etc are removed from the trees surrounding your site.
As we highlight below, the trimming is a significant component in maintaining access to all sites in order to meet the new CFA and Caravan Park Regulations. We thank you for your assistance.
CFA Regulations
Caravan Parks across Victoria have recently received new CFA Regulations and Caravan Park Regulations.
What does this mean to us?
In order to be compliant under these new regulations, we’re facing strict protocols regarding access around sites, structures and separations between vans and other materials.
Our first priority was addressing the guideline regarding storage of chemicals and dangerous goods.
Spare gas bottles and dangerous goods cannot be stored at your site.
We ask all guests to ensure your gas cylinder is secured to your drawbar or BBQ/heater.
If you have any old, damaged or empty gas cylinders or dangerous goods such as paint, paint thinners etc we will happily collect and dispose of them for you. Please contact the Office. If staff find any unsecured or damaged cylinders, we will be removing them for disposal.
The second phase of meeting the regulations is ensuring 1 meter clearances are achieved on 3 sides of your van/annex.
Achieving this will include guests storing all bikes, surfboards etc inside their annex (when not in use) or on one side of your site. If you have any unused bikes, we will happily recycle them for you. We will be identifying sites not meeting these regulations and working with you to meet this requirements.
Wynndean Yearly Fee Discount September 30th 2024
Our yearly accounts were sent out at the beginning of June via email. We thank all guests who have already paid their yearly fee for the 2024-25 season. A friendly reminder that discounts apply to guests who make complete payment of their yearly fee by September 30th 2024. We are here to help, so please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions.
2024/25 Annual Site Agreement
Please ensure your Annual Site Agreement is completely up to date with current contact information, registered immediate family members in Agreement to the 2024/25 Disclosure Statement.
Car Parking Reminder
A friendly reminder to park in your designated car park at your site and only one car per site. We also request all cars are well off the road to allow other vehicles access throughout the Park. If you have any carparking queries, please contact the Office.
Hard Rubbish & items for donation- form on our website
Once again this season we are happy to collect hard rubbish items which we will recycle and/or donate to charity organisations where possible. This includes old BBQs, fridges, couches and anything no longer required.
There is a lot of “hard rubbish” down the sides/back of vans and we would love to help in cleaning this up!
To assist you may request a collection from our website Hard Rubbish Collection Request — Wynndean or contact the office and we will collect from your site.
Vegetation Overlays
As you may be aware, Wynndean is governed by several vegetation overlays that control activities within the Park including tree trimming and use of paving and concrete. While all of the vegetation within the Park has been planted and nurtured by our family and team for over 75 years, we must adhere to the following in accordance to the overlays:
• Trees must not be trimmed, lopped or removed except in accordance with our approved Vegetation Management Plan
• Storm water (surface water) must be retained on site. This can only be achieved by restricting hard surface coverage (structures/pavers artificial grass etc), and providing strategic soakage pits. We do not have gutters along the roadsides to allow the water to runoff to the sides.
The whole area of Wynndean is sand that in places is over 11mt deep above the bedrock. The water table in areas is less than 6 ft below the surface. The trees in the area depend on this water table and the threat to the water table of recent Council works (New roads and gutters that take all surface water away to the River and Ocean) has already left a legacy of lost trees.
We all value our trees as part of the physical environment of Wynndean, (you may notice many trees around the Park are propped rather than removed) and although the last couple of years has provided above average rainfall, we know that there are dry years ahead. If the vegetation is to survive then we must be pro-active and ensure sufficient permeable surface throughout the Park to maintain the surface water that is the lifeblood of many of the trees. Likewise, these trees provide shelter for our guests and habitat for native birds and animals. Who has experienced being woken to the sound of a possum running across their roof!?
So with this information in mind, we kindly remind you to discuss any vegetation queries you have with us.
A reminder that our speed limit around the park is at walking pace or 10 km.
This also applies to our electronic scooter, bike & board riders. Please remember that the scooters are silent and people are often not aware of them approaching. We love seeing everybody out & about, enjoying the park and would like to keep it safe for all. Most importantly, please remember your helmet.
Gas Services
Wynndean provides a gas delivery, connection and test service for in date 9kg and 45kg bottles. To avoid running out mid-dinner, mid-shave or with shampoo in your hair (!!), keep an eye on your bottle and we will happily replace it during business hours. You can also request Gas Bottles here via the form on our website-
9kg bottles are $50 45kg bottles are $130
Smoke Alarms- replace your batteries
A reminder that it is a requirement to have a working smoke alarm, fire extinguisher and fire blanket in your van. These items can be purchased at cost from our Office. Please feel free to grab our laminated Emergency Evacuation Procedures as well.
Facebook and Instagram
We would love to connect with you online!
Wynndean is on Facebook and Instagram. Please see the below links and feel free to like and follow for updates and don’t forget to tag us! #wynndean
We love having you as part of our Wynndean family and look for to seeing you over the Spring season!
The Wynndean Team
David, Rachel and Steve, Sarah, John and Janice, Adam, Suzie & Warren, Andrea & Sue